Knowledge Base

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Can I write a Blog for CC?

Yes you can! The CC blog is a community effort and most of the blog posts are written by members just like you.

To be eligible to write a blog post, you need to have been a member on CC for minimum 3 months.

If you want to write a blog post for our website, please send a message to the administrators and tell us what you want to write about (few words about your topic/your idea).

Note: Your topic needs to relate to writing since we are a writing site after all!

If we like your idea, we will add an empty blog entry to your account where you can write your blog.

There is no timeframe or structure, but you will get a reminder after some time if we have sent you a blog entry to remind you to finish your blog post. Our members are our bloggers and can write as much as they like, we will send a new blog entry for each new request.

Please note we do not pay our writers for writing a blog post on our website. You get free exposure of your work on our website (anyone can see our blog posts, not only members) and we also advertise all new blog posts on our social media platforms.

If you are interested in writing a blog post for our website, I recommend reading our previous blog posts (excluding posts from our staff) to see what kind of material we are looking for.

You find all our previous blog posts HERE.

We read all blog posts before we publish them and do reserve the right not to publish the article if it does not fit the vision for our site. If we like your blog post, we will schedule it and post it on our site for next available date. Your finished blog will go into our queue and you will be sent a message when it gets published. The waiting time is typically a couple of weeks.

If you want to write a blog for CC, click HERE.

Member submitted content is © individual members.
Other material ©2003-2025