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Into what queue should I submit my story?

There are seven public queues on Critique Circle:

  • The Newbie Queue - CC's new members
  • General
  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Women's fiction - Romance - Chick-lit
  • Children's - Young Adult
  • Mystery - Suspence - Horror

The first story you submit to Critique Circle must go into the Newbie Queue. After that, you can choose to move to another public queue that is appropriate for your genre or to submit again to the Newbie Queue. A maximum of three submissions to the Newbie Queue is allowed.

If you have a YA story you should submit it to that queue, a horror story goes into the horror queue etc.

We leave it up to you to decide what genre your story belongs to so what queue you should submit to but if a story is clearly in the wrong queue the administrators will move it to the right queue. Remember, posting in the correct queue is likely to mean your story is seen by those most interested in reading/ critiquing your genre.

You must have clear reasons why a story that seemingly belongs to a certain queue has been placed in another.

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Other material ©2003-2025