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How to use the classifieds?

Premium queues can be advertized in the classifieds to attract new members. This is a great way to fill up your queue and meet new critters who want to see your work!

Go to 'Classifieds' in the story queue (at the bottom). You will see an option to 'add my queue to the classifieds'. Select this, and it will show a list of all the queues you currently have. Select the one you wish to place in the classifieds, and hit, 'Create advertizement'.

Fill in the fields required and then post your ad. It will now be part of the classifieds for 4 months maximum. You can remove your queue at any time from the classifieds.

If after 4 months you don't have a full queue and want to continue using the classifieds, you will need to add your queue again to the classifieds, using the above steps. 

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