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Beta Reading Queue

What is the Beta-Reading (BR) Queue?

A BR queue is a type of private queue. Only Premium and Premium Gold members can create one, but any member can critique within the queue if invited by its owner.

In CC terms, a beta-read is the reading of a polished product before the novel is submitted to agents/publishers, or is self-published. However, a BR queue can also be used for ‘big-picture’ feedback on any large segment or text e.g. assessment of a draft, or the first Act of a three-Act structure.

It is intended for a holistic overview, rather than chapter-by-chapter critiques, and gives an on-site option for feedback on overall pacing, plot structure, subtext, character arcs etc. This helps to counter the serialisation effect caused by submitting weekly to the public queues.

Ordinary private queues have always been used for beta-reads, and still can be, but the BR queue has added features that some might find useful.

Additional features of a BR queue:

·      Cheaper submission (see below)

·      Flexibility to apply bonus credits (see below)

·      Option to prevent segments being read out of order

·      Option to disallow inline comments (allowing only start and end comments)

·      An integrated forum thread for discussion about the novel

Credits: Submission Cost

Unlike a normal private queue (3 credits per submission), cost is based on overall word count.

Premium members pay 1 credit per 2000 words submitted.

Premium Gold members pay 1 credit per 4000 words submitted.

A minimum of 10 credits is payable in total, regardless of word count.

E.g. for a 100k (100,000) word novel:

-       Normal private queue with submissions of 2500 words: 40x3 credits = 120 credits

-       Normal private queue with submissions of 5000 words: 20x3 credits = 60 credits

-       Premium BR queue (regardless of how the novel is divided) = 50 credits

-       Premium Gold BR queue (regardless of how the novel is divided) = 25 credits

To calculate how much it would cost for your novel, divide the word count by 2000 (or 4000 for Premium Gold) e.g. 73245 ÷ 2000 = 36.6225. Submission cost would be 36 credits.

Credits: Critter payment

A critter can earn both standard and bonus credits. Payment is made on each segment e.g. if the author has divided the novel into four segments then there are four opportunities to earn credits.

1. Standard credits – paid by the CC site.

The critter will always get the standard payout based on the word count of a crit (identical to critting in the public queues).

150 words = 0 credits, 151-300 = ½ c, 301-600 = 1 c, 601-900 = 1 ½ c, >900 = 2c.

2. Bonus credits – these are paid by the queue’s owner from their own account.

You can donate from 5 to 100 credits per segment per critter. This is done via the ‘Set Credits’ option under the ‘Beta Reading’ tab when you open a BR queue.

You can allot the credits as you wish. A suggested minimum is 50 credits overall per critter, because a beta-read involves a significant amount of time. However bonus credits are not compulsory.

You have the option to check someone’s crit before awarding the bonus credits. You don’t have to donate extra credits even if promised, although a critter has the option to stop critting if not paid.

Note that bonus credits cannot be offered to any crit unless it exceeds 300 words.

Some suggested variations for distributing bonus credits:

-       A single large bonus for the last segment, to encourage completion

-       An incremental increase in amount as the segments progress, to encourage completion

-       Zero bonus credits, for example if you and crit partners agree to beta-read swaps

-       Smaller amounts for smaller segments

-       Higher amounts for longer segments, or if numerous questions are asked

-       A five-credit bonus for the first segment if you don’t know your critters well, so both parties have a chance to assess the partnership

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there minimum or maximum word counts for a BR queue?

There is no minimum word count, but the minimum cost for a BR queue is 10 credits.

There is currently no limit on the size of submission, so a full-novel read in one segment is possible.

How do I ensure I get the type of crit I want?

There is no set formula, as authors will use the queue for different reasons. Specify the type of feedback you want within the author notes for the novel.

You have the option to check a crit before awarding bonus credits.

If you intend inviting critters who are not regular crit partners (e.g. via the classifieds) then you might want to keep the first segment short to allow evaluation of crit styles and quality.

You can remove a critter from the queue at any time. Rude or substandard crits (e.g. copy and pasting the same material) should be reported to the moderators.

What size segments should I divide my novel into?

This is entirely your choice and can be tailored to the level of feedback you need.

Some suggested variations:

-       For traditional publishing, agents often request just the first three chapters. By making the first segment that long, you can get separate feedback just on that section.

-       Segments of 15-20k have proven popular. This helps balance critter reading time with the level of feedback required by the author.

-       If your novel is already sub-divided into segments in some way (e.g. Parts, Acts) then those make natural submission segments.

-       Offering the whole novel in one segment will more accurately mimic a reader experience, although can result in less detailed feedback overall.

Can just any member access my BR queue?

No. As with a normal private queue, it is your choice as to who gains access to your queue.

What happens if I don’t have enough credits in my account to pay the bonuses?

You should advise members in your BR queue and discuss a delay in critting until you have built up credits again.

Before a critter begins critting, they will be notified that they won’t get bonus credits for the crit. They will still get standard credits. It is their choice whether or not they continue to crit.

It is advisable not to invite new members to your queue if you do not have enough credits to pay out promised bonuses.

I critted a segment and didn’t receive my bonus credits. What can I do?

The BR queue relies on good faith from both the critter and the queue owner.

-       Check if the segment you critted offers bonus credits

-       Ask the author why you didn’t receive bonus credits. They may have temporarily run out of credits, or may have been off-site for a time due to personal commitments

-       If the author doesn’t want to give you bonus credits that you think you deserve, then stop critting the novel. If the author is rude via the messaging system then report them to the moderators.

I chose to prevent segments being read and critted out of order. Can I still let a critter start partway through?

You can do this by arrangement with the critter.

Discuss where you want them to start critting properly. For example, if they critted the first segment chapter-by-chapter in the public queues, then you would want them to start their beta-reading from segment two.

If a critter gives a token crit of a few words, then the system will allow them to move on to the next segment. They won’t get bonus credits, even if those are set to be awarded automatically, as the crit will be under 300 words. They can repeat this process until they reach the segment where you want them to begin.

Can I advertise my BR queue in the classifieds?

Yes. You can do this in the same way as a normal private queue by choosing the ‘Looking for members’ option.

The advert will have an icon of upright books, indicating it is a beta-reading queue.

Why do I need to use the novel system to have a BR queue?

Many of the features on offer will only work because of the novel system, e.g. preventing segments being read out of order.

If you don’t want to use the novel system, you can still ask a critter to read your whole novel by posting all of the chapters into a normal private queue.

Do BR queues have a fixed time limit?

There is no set time limit, because the author may want people to start the beta-read at different times or segments.

The amount of time spent to complete the full novel should be negotiated between the author and critter, and will depend on things such as: availability, critter reading speed, size of novel.

Is there a video on how to use the BR queue?

Yes. You can find the tutorial video here

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