Membership options on CC
On CC, you have the possibility to choose from 3 membership options:
- Standard (free)
- Premium (monthly/yearly subscription)
- Premium Gold (monthly/yearly subscription)
Standard (free)
When you sign up to join CC, your account will start as a Trial account (some restrictions will apply). As soon as our Moderators have accepted your application, your account will change to a Standard account on CC. This means you can use our site for free with basic access to everything we offer our Standard members on our site.
Premium (monthly/yearly subscription)
Our Premium members get access to benefits in exchange for a small fee. Below we have listed the benefits of being a Premium member on CC:
Private Queues
You can create your own private queues. You can choose to create several types of queues and invite people to them. The queues can run on CC´s credit system, or without credits, depending on what you and your critique partners prefer. The queues can be many-to-one which means you submit stories and other people critique them, or many-to-many, which means all the people in your crit group can submit stories and critique each other. This is the ideal setup for critique groups, or for a dedicated reader system for a novel. It's also the ideal system for those who prefer to keep their manuscripts private, only viewable by selected few. You can even create a queue only viewable by yourself, and store your chapters there as backup.
The Novel system
Access to the Critique Circle Novel system, allowing you to structure your submission into a single cohesive novel, providing you with a marvellous way to keep your readers interested and critting.
Full Manuscript crit
The Full Manuscript crit feature enables you to give and receive macro crits on an entire manuscript, at a credit price that you and your critter mutually agree upon. Click HERE for more details.
Revise story while it's in the queue
You can edit your stories while they're still in the queue before they come up for review. Please note that placeholders are not allowed at Critique Circle.
Discount on submitting consecutive stories
You get a one credit discount when submitting a story in the public queues while you already have a submission in the queue or up for review, making it more affordable to stack submissions.
Outlining Workshop
You are given complete access to the massively useful Outlining workshop. You're able to create an unlimited number of characters as well as create your own templates for character creations. You're even able to publish your templates so others can create characters with your help.
Full access to all tools
You get full access to all the tools here at Critique Circle. You're for example able to create an unlimited number of characters in the character workshop, you're able to save names from the name generator, and use of the manuscript progress tool is unlimited.
Buddy List
Premium members are able to utilize the Critique Circle's powerful Buddy list feature. This enables you to receive notification if a friend of yours submits a story for review, solves an exercise, writes on the board, etc. This is for example useful for private crit groups where the members don't have much time to socialize, but want to keep track of what their buddies are up to. Your buddies are also only a click away when sending messages. You can have up to 24 buddies on your list.
Change your Profile Header
When you sign up as a Premium member, you have the exclusive choice of being able to change your profile header. Click on your username on top of the page in the right corner and choose Public profile. Then click on Edit my profile where you can change your profile header.
Access to Premium Forums
The Premium Forums are exclusively for the use of our Premium members.
Arrange Queues
You can arrange your queues any way you choose. Don't let CC's automatic Queue ordering bog you down, take charge of your own queue arrangement!
Huge message box
Our Premium members message box can handle up to 250 messages in either the inbox or the outbox (up to 500 in total). Additionally, messages never expire, so you don't have to worry about losing messages.
Unlimited number of books in the library
As a Premium member, you don't have a restriction on how many books you can have in the library on your profile page. The sky's the limit!
More information about our Premium subscription and price HERE.
Premium Gold (monthly/yearly subscription)
Our Premium Gold members get access to ALL the benefits we offer in exchange for a small fee. Below we have listed the benefits of being a Premium Gold member on CC:
All the benefits of a Premium membership
Premium Gold members receive all the benefits our Premium members receive.
Revise story while it's up for review
While both Premium and Premium Gold members can edit their stories while they're still in the queue, only Premium Gold members can make minor edits to their stories while they are up for review. This can be an invaluable feature for getting rid of that misplaced comma or typo once you can see the nitpicks rolling in.
Unlimited message box
You never have to delete a single message on Critique Circle again. You can have as many messages as you want in your in- and outbox without having to worry about CC deleting any of them. This can be especially important when tracking conversations about a particular story.
No advertisements
Premium Gold members have the option to configure or even turn off advertisement completely through your settings panel. We do appreciate you visiting the sponsors from time to time though as it helps to run CC.
24 member queues
Your private queues are no longer limited to 8 members. You can have up to 3x24 member queues on your account.
No archive of stories
All stories on CC might get archived after a certain period of time (couple of years) and removed from the site in order to conserve space. If you're an honoured member your stories don't get archived (unless you want to), so you can always access them.
Twice as many buddies
You can have up to 48 members on your buddy list instead of 24 which is the limit for Premium members. Never lose track of a friend you've made on CC.
More information about our Premium Gold subscription and price HERE.