Knowledge Base

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Can I edit my own upcoming story before it's up for review?

Your story goes through three stages on CC. When you submit the story it goes into the Upcoming section. This is our story queue. In a week or two it will go Up for review at which point people will start to critique it. It stays there for a week and is then put into Older at which point you will stop receiving crits.

Our Premium Members are able to revise their stories while they are in the Upcoming section of the queue - before they are in review.

Only Premium Gold Members are able to revise their stories while they are Up for review.

Everyone can then revise their story after it hits the Older section.

Standard members who want to edit their story while it's in the queue and before it comes up for review will need to remove the story and submit a new one.

Member submitted content is © individual members.
Other material ©2003-2025