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How do I find a Story to Critique?

Critique Circle has several different ways to find a story to critique. Here are some of them:

- Click on Stories: View Stories. Choose a genre and go down the list.

- Click on Stories: Story Queue. There you are able to scroll down a list by queue: Newbie, General, Fantasy, etc.

- Use the Tit for Tat list. You can access this list by clicking on your username in the upper right corner, then choose Tit for Tat list. There, you will see a list of members that have given you critiques. After their name, they might have an upcoming story or story up for review right now that you can critique.

- Click on Community: Member List or Community: Top Members and find a given member’s stories. Choosing a top critiquer to critique, assuming you do a good job, gives you a good chance of getting a well-written critique back.

Each way of finding a story to critique is different and useful. To find your first story to critique you may want to find one in a genre that you feel comfortable with. When others have already critiqued one or more of your stories, it is important to watch your Tit for Tat list so that they don’t feel slighted.

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